
Showing posts from September, 2016

Why I choose Sociology

I remember when i was a children I said: “When I be adult I want be teacher". When I was in the 3ª grade for High school I think in three careers: Law, Administration Public and journalism. In this moment the prefer option was journalism, but in this time I was very shy, and I was afraid in the choose this career.  In this year my history teacher presents in the class the other humanist career, and in this moment I recognize Sociology. In this moment I start so information for the career and I was liked to much the studied areas for the discipline. The Sociology: The studies from the social relations. The career was in the Universidad de Concepción, I  was hope in this University, but my Teacher Pablo Santibañez say me what go to the Universidad de Chile, He was believing that I was go in for my result in the PSU test.  In this two years in the career I was think that I will really see as sociologist. This is the I will be in the future and the rest of my life. In my p...

something to me ...

Hi, i`m Boris Araya Castro and I am nineteen years old, but My birthdays is in one month. A Little time for have 20 years. I am student of Sociology in the University of Chile. I 've been studying here since 2015.  I born in the Laja, a little town of the south of the Chile, in the Region of Biobio. But I'm lived in Nacimiento, Arauco and Concepción, and since 2015 I've been live in Santiago. Seen two months i live with Catú and Tiare, I like this apartment, I love this girls.  This year i am delegate to my generation in the center of student  for the carrier  this has been very important for my life and my personality. In general, I am a person quiet, but I like very much meet with people, friends or partner, in divers context, for examples party’s, in a park, go to the cinema, or in anywhere. I like be with persons always, because if I’m alone I feel very very sad and depressed and anxious.