Why I choose Sociology
I remember when i was a children I said: “When I be adult I want be teacher". When I was in the 3ª grade for High school I think in three careers: Law, Administration Public and journalism. In this moment the prefer option was journalism, but in this time I was very shy, and I was afraid in the choose this career. In this year my history teacher presents in the class the other humanist career, and in this moment I recognize Sociology. In this moment I start so information for the career and I was liked to much the studied areas for the discipline. The Sociology: The studies from the social relations. The career was in the Universidad de Concepción, I was hope in this University, but my Teacher Pablo Santibañez say me what go to the Universidad de Chile, He was believing that I was go in for my result in the PSU test. In this two years in the career I was think that I will really see as sociologist. This is the I will be in the future and the rest of my life. In my p...