
Showing posts from 2016

The best subject of this semester "Contemporany dance"

 This is an artistic and cultural subject of social sciences faculty in which Yasna Lepe was the teacher. She is a professional dancer and dances every Wednesday                      Firstly, she makes elongation exercises, so to make the following movements easier to our body. She also makes us to do that in order to realise how much our articulations could move.                       Later on, we started to make different steps to build an amazing and incredibly high demanding choreography. When it was almost ready, we used to practice it every class. The song we were preparing was a Violeta Parra's named "el gavilán". It has 11 minutes length, so as  you could imagine, we were almost a whole semester practising the choreography.                      It is not that easy to think about the different things w...

Punto género magazine

Punto G é nero is a magazine about the different gender matters and problematics that affect us in any social relationship. It had born at the Universidad de Chile inside the sociology department, where socialist scientists discuss about those subjects related to gender roles such as sexism, feminism, sexual diversity, among others. All of them, as I said before, are discussed by socialist students. Moreover, I would like to mention that I discovered and found this website during last year was passing on. I used to visit it when I needed background for a theoritical framework. So, in order to hang out a good developed epistemology workshop, where I had to look for articles, I would visit Punto G é nero to complete the task. I remember writing about sexual dissidence. I've read a lot of articles, but the one I liked the most was one written by 'Hija de Perra' who made an overwhelming criticise to Queer's theory. In a general overview, I'm really keen on reading ...

Go to the travel

I would love to travel around the world! ... I think you've heard this like million of times right? But it´s true , the exciting of being in a place that sometimes its complete different, the tasty food you don´t usually eat everyday, the people you might now.... and most of all the curiosity. Yes the curiosity of getting to know something or someone that makes you feel like you have to learn lot more, and  also reminds you are just a tiny particle in this universe. its hard to choose one place, so i'll make a list of them and write a short reason for each. Finland  : I´m really interest about the education in ther, what makes it so special?   The amazon: I meet three chilean girls in brazil who spend the whole summer trough the amazon , and they slept in hammocks almost all the trip, 'cause that's the bed you use on the ships.   France: this may sound typical , but i´really want to know what´s so magic about this place.

My favourite photo

One of my favourite photos was taken by me at a chilean  protected area which conserves examples of natural landscapes, plants and animals for future generations. T his photo shows one of the most beautiful and delighting landscapes of Chile where at the end of a long forest path, a freezing cold and naturally-formed lake takes place, surrounded by high mountains and an infinite forest.  The lake is called "Laguna Triangulo"   After a 6-hours of exhausting trekking among the Alerce Andino's reserve, my friends and I reached the amazing "Laguna Triángulo", located 9 kilometres from the entrance of the park. Despite the fact of being tired, sweated, thirsty and hungry, it was very rewarding reaching the top of the path. I still remember that last unfinishable kilometre. Finally, I'd like to add that this is one of the pictures I prefer the most because it's a photo which quickly comes to my mind when somebody talks about its favourite captured mome...


In the world of today, where all the world is in context that globalization. The technology is very important in every aspect of life that people. In the extrem about people say: "I don't be life without technology. Cell - phones, TV, robot.Every day the technology chance and progress. Is very amazing.  But is very important remember that the technology is much more that cell- phone and other machine. The progress the technology began since the prehistoric. When the human species began with the conversasion of natural resourses into simple tools. Understand this concep of technology want see that technology is much more that machine. According Wikipedia Technology is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. The progres this techniques used in the medice, foods, transport, security and the all aspect of life. My favorite stuff technol...

The Municipal elections

In two weeks time in all districts of the country there will be municipal elections, where we can elect the mayor and a person to represent us in the municipal council (but there is more than one consejal in a district).  T he elections will be on Sunday 23rd, this month. I think that for this elections the political class was very astute and they don't make propaganda because they don't want to show this process of election to take advantange of people's mistrust of the politicians.  I think that little people will go to vote this Sunday. And that is very alarming.  I'm going to vote for the first time, and I vote in Peñalolen, but for the little information about the candidates I don't know who I will vote for.   I want to invite everybody to search information about the candidates and go to your votation place. And choose the better project for your community.  Please, don't let them win this person

Why I choose Sociology

I remember when i was a children I said: “When I be adult I want be teacher". When I was in the 3ª grade for High school I think in three careers: Law, Administration Public and journalism. In this moment the prefer option was journalism, but in this time I was very shy, and I was afraid in the choose this career.  In this year my history teacher presents in the class the other humanist career, and in this moment I recognize Sociology. In this moment I start so information for the career and I was liked to much the studied areas for the discipline. The Sociology: The studies from the social relations. The career was in the Universidad de Concepción, I  was hope in this University, but my Teacher Pablo Santibañez say me what go to the Universidad de Chile, He was believing that I was go in for my result in the PSU test.  In this two years in the career I was think that I will really see as sociologist. This is the I will be in the future and the rest of my life. In my p...

something to me ...

Hi, i`m Boris Araya Castro and I am nineteen years old, but My birthdays is in one month. A Little time for have 20 years. I am student of Sociology in the University of Chile. I 've been studying here since 2015.  I born in the Laja, a little town of the south of the Chile, in the Region of Biobio. But I'm lived in Nacimiento, Arauco and Concepción, and since 2015 I've been live in Santiago. Seen two months i live with Catú and Tiare, I like this apartment, I love this girls.  This year i am delegate to my generation in the center of student  for the carrier  this has been very important for my life and my personality. In general, I am a person quiet, but I like very much meet with people, friends or partner, in divers context, for examples party’s, in a park, go to the cinema, or in anywhere. I like be with persons always, because if I’m alone I feel very very sad and depressed and anxious.