My future postgraduate studies
Hi. Today I'm talking about my possible future postgraduate studies. For me, is very difficult thinks which is what I will study after that graduate of Sociology. Because I am in my third year of sociology and I just started thinking about my graduation, my thesis, my practice, in my first years of my future work. It is difficult for me to think about what I will study later. And is more difficult for me, because in the sociology you could be specialist about anythink theme. Sociology of work, Sociology of gender, Sociology envirionmental, sociology of health, etc. You can even be a "memes" sociologist. In this moment I liked sociology of the city our urban planning, sociology of health, sociology of culture, sociology of communications and sociology of gender. And maybe I would like make postgraduate studies about someone that I name. In this days, I think to much about sociology of culture and cultural practices. Because is very interesting.